

Stay Physically Fit to be Your Best!

You never know what life will throw at you.  A strong body makes for an alert mind, less stress and better attitudes.  Here are some great links and books to help you be ready for almost anything.



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The Presidents Council on Physical Fitness and Sports

National Association for Health and Fitness

Georgia State University Kinesiology Exercise and Physical Fitness Page

Self Magazine

Men’s Health Magazine

Women’s Health Magazine

Natl Center for Disease Control & Health Promotion – Physical Activity and Health Executive Summary[/column]

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NSBRI – Nutrition, Physical Fitness and Rehabilitation Projects Research

SurvivalIQ Handbook: Survival Fitness

FiftyPlus Fitness Association

Life Clinic Physical fitness, health fitness, exercise tips

Ask NOAH About: Physical Fitness and Exercise





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Fitness Walking for Dummies
Liz Neporent




Men’s Health Best The 15 Best Exercises
Joe Kita, Men’s Health Magazine



Acsm Fitness Book
Human Kinetics




The Complete Book of Running for Women
Claire Kowalchik




The Woman’s Book of Yoga and Health: A Lifelong Guide to Wellness
Linda Sparrowe, Patricia Walden & Judith Hanson Lasater



Men’s Health Best: Weight-Free Workout
Men’s Health Magazine




In Fitness and in Health
Philip B. Maffetone




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The Biggest Loser: The Workout – Boot Camp
Bob Harper – Biggest Loser



Jillian Michaels: Banish Fat, Boost Metabolism
(DVD) Jillian Michaels – Biggest Loser



The U.S. Navy Seal Guide to Fitness and Nutrition
Patricia A. Deuster, Anita Singh & Pierre A. Pelletier




The Navy SEAL Physical Fitness Guide
Patricia Deuster & Patricia A. Deuster




Fitness & Health – 6th Edition
Brian Sharkey PhD & Steven Gaskill PhD




Sport Physiology for Coaches
Brian Sharkey & Steven Gaskill




*Just so you know, the site links are not affiliate or sponsored links, just simply links that members have found helpful and that we thought you might enjoy too.  *Most of the books can be read from your local library.  But just in case they are not available, we have added our affiliate link to Amazon for your convenience.  And, of course, any reviews, opinions, strategies or recommendations are solely those of the site or book authors.  We are not responsible for any content, opinions expressed or outcomes from use.

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